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Successful Management of Accessibility Change

Recognizing the necessity for accessibility change is one thing, but knowing how to effectively implement it is another challenge altogether. Where does one begin? Who should be involved? How can it be successfully executed from start to finish?

We help organizational change management to grow organically in inclusive principles and foster a user-first mindset, helping to comply with e.g.; the European Accessibility Act (EAA), the Web Accessibility Directive (WAD), Section 508, and more.

You can lead change – here is our method to achieve it!

Conductor with eyes shut before dark wall saying Accessibility Change Management

The 4 Principles of Accessibility Change Management

Select Few + Diverse Many

Implementing accessibility change that necessitates a shift in behavior from numerous individuals cannot be solely entrusted to a few individuals.

It is imperative that a larger group is empowered to drive change, rather than simply executing orders from others.

Have To + Want To

Individuals who believe they have the chance to participate in the significant accessibility task will readily volunteer, even alongside their regular duties.

The current employees will contribute their enthusiasm once they are encouraged.

Head + Heart

Most people may not feel motivated to assist you solely based on logical reasoning.

It is essential to acknowledge and address their emotions as well and tap into their genuine and fundamental desire to make a meaningful impact to lead an organization towards a more inclusive tomorrow.

Leadership + Management

To seize the chance to enhance inclusivity, effective leadership is crucial, and it should not solely rely on a single executive.

It encompasses having a clear vision, recognizing opportunities, inspiring action, and fostering a culture of celebration, alongside the necessary managerial procedures.

Accessibility Change Management

Recognizing the necessity for accessibility change is one thing, but knowing how to effectively implement it is another challenge altogether. Where does one begin? Who should be involved? How can it be successfully executed from start to finish?

“Your organization benefits from an unparalleled level of preparedness to become more accessible throughout the workforce.”

In today’s world change has become the norm rather than the exception. The ever-evolving nature of our society, driven by new initiatives, project-based work, technological advancements, and the need to stay ahead of competition, continuously shapes the way we operate.

A bent-over person with a large block of stone on his back where a huge hand helps him to reduce the burden.

The 8 Accelerators

Our used methodology is an award-winning and proven approach to producing lasting change.

  1. Create Sense of Urgency
  2. Build Guiding Coalition
  3. Form a Strategic Vision
  4. Enlist a Volunteer Army
  5. Enable Action by Removing Barriers
  6. Generate Short-Term Wins
  7. Sustain Acceleration
  8. Institute Change

We help organizations


Comprehending the current status of your organization’s culture and processes through an evaluation of the relative performance in delivering inclusive and accessible products and services.

Maturity Progress

It is insufficient to make individual products in an organizational silo accessible. It is of critical importance that an organization establish repeatable internal processes and methods.

Accessibility Audits

Audits for accessibility provide insights if the already build product conforms to the global standard WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines).

We assist in the development of your accessibility plan

“We recommend that organizations avoid creating their own plan for audits, training, and tools and then searching for assistance.

Based on our professional experience we can help develop the plan starting with a benchmark.

The WHY behind the plan providing evidence to support the underlying rationale.”

Jake Abma
Founder and CEO